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Capitalism has achieved everything that cuckservatives accuse commies for conspiring.
It has destroyed the patriarchal family as women too have been recruited into the workforce as convenient wage slaves for the capitalist enterprise. The capitalists have successfully brainwashed young fine women the ideal of an 'independent' career woman who needs no man and dedicates her life for her wage slave profession as a model to look up to.
The capitalists has successfully destroyed tradition and culture as your total fertility declines as a result of the above, wage slaves are then instead imported from elsewhere turning your tradition and into a muttified globalised shitpile.
It has successfully manage to commodify identity, even sexual fetishes and deviancy was commodified and sold as a grandiose fashion statement of their self expression. Even Soviet commies can only dream of the normalising the levels of sexual deviancy the capitalist west engages themselves in.
It has now even slowly started destroying private property. Finally the communist dream of owning nothing and being happy will no longer be a pipedream as everything will be the monopoly of a collective who sells them to you as a service which you need to pay with the same wage you got by working for them.
As bad as pre liberalization was, none of the so called socialist would even dream about achieving these.
So why are you still shilling for capitalism?
Such randirona about capitalism is reactionary socialism and is doomed to fail.
>[Capitalism] has pitilessly torn asunder the motley feudal ties that bound man to his “natural superiors”, and has left remaining no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest, than callous “cash payment”.
Every single product of feudal society (religion, social bonds, feudal hierarchies, patriarchal family units etc.) is inevitably destroyed under capitalism and replaced with something that serves the interests of capitalists. The only way out is through the collapse of capitalism via its inherent contradictions, which again is a historical inevitability.
Culture and economics exists on seprate political axis. You can be a commie and chud, just like you can be a capitalist and soy.