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I'm going to become a monk. I have no idea how to do it but I also have literally no reason to keep living if I don't change anything so I may as well put it all on one card and try to achieve enlightenment
Jai Guru Ji Shukrana
recently saw that thread where a jyotish said running this site had bad karma affiliated w it how does it work?
Favourite part of mahabharat
dvaita vedanta
Personal writings on/about god
How to get into tanric shit?
Bored with life and have self-destructive tendencies. How does one go about gaining the favor of the ten mahavidyas? Weren't there some tantrafags on InCh. Please guide, pyaro.
God / ASI / Reality
God When i think about it, even though the philosophies across the world diverge but they also converge when we think about the creation of the universe, humankind...salvation, prophets, also the idea of soul, brahmin, etc. Lately, since 1 year or ...
How to turn my atheist ass back to God
Dharmic perspective on masturbation
Puranas as a source of Historical Chronology
what is this guruji cult in delhi
niggas of guruji is annoying ass niggers and annoys my ass and they dont follow thier own religion but a man
Duniya hasseno ka mela
I used to be very religious a few years ago but now I've lost my faith by seeing the suffering of this world. Also the mockery of hinduism too has made me look at the religion as bad, most of its followers are poor low class people. I also don't get ...
Harnessing the power of meditation to be successfu...
Starting my journey. Anyone wants to be my buddy?
On Hindu Ecosystem
I have lost my rudraksh, and one Hanuman thread and another thread which idr broke in this one week what does it mean bros