/yoga/ - Yoga


*not required

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welcome to /yoga/

Use this board for discussions related to yoga and fitness, healthy lifestyle. >>>/yoga/ to view catalog.

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Any Peaters here? Wtf do I try I'm not reading all that for research just to have convulated thoughts & no dietary plan

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Felt like posting this

Yoga se hi Hoga

guys we all need to go exercise and Yoga. may be join some local yoga classes, early in the morning.

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>board name yoga >pinned image k2a why hindcucks are like this??

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Though I've written 75, I mean to say roughly 7.5 months that we have remaining in this year.

Tasks you have.

> Be Brave.

As in Be brave in taking action, In all walks of life. If you are student, And somehow you aren't studying, That's you being a Coward. So be brave and take actions. You can apply it to all things.

केवल वीरों के लिए मुक्ति है, वीर के अलावा कोई महानता का हकदार नहीं।

> Speak Less.

Think twice, thrice, a gazillion times before speaking, Think whether you should speak about a topic or event. Do you know enough. Cause You can either think or speak.

मौन बुद्धि को जन्म देती है।

> Do not regret.

Leave all your regrets, No more contemplation over what's done. Move forward. Stop being stuck in the past.

सच्चे वीर अतीत को नहीं कोसते, आगे बढ़ते है।

> Improve your life.

By the start of 2025, Improve your life. Be the best version of you. Make your parents proud. You should have 2 major tasks/goals/habits/skills and 2-3 minor tasks/goals/habits/skills for each month. Some habit you need to improve or a habit you need to leave. Act on them. By the year end, You would have done quite a lot atleast 8-10 major stuff and 12-15 minor stuff, Even if you fail sometimes.

Can you Do it?

Can you change your fate by the new year?

Cause I will change mine. 100% percent. Gotcha make my parents proud.

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/ROONING/ gen {The 1st on /yoga/}

Im going to start running again tomorrow anons. This gap in exercise will surely hinder my progress. For reference 7 months ago I could run 6.5 Km...

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do we have any actual gymcels over here?

how's your progress coming along anons? >5'11, 47kg when i started >69kg right now, been almost 2 years

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The Game by Neil Strauss : https://www.amazon.in/Game-Neil-Strauss/dp/0062312979 Mystery Method by Mystery: https://www.amazon.in/Mystery-Method-B...

Looksmaxxing material


Balam pichkari

So I have premature ejaculation, the reason I find is cause I was introduced to prone masturbation since I was 8 by some adult goojeets as I used to live in Village area.

I am 17 rn , if any of you know some tips which might help. I am asking this so early (at 17) cause I don't want to have regrets later that something I could have done at 17 would have helped me .

Make me gain weight

I am thin as fuck. I am 6'1 and just 45 kgs share some food hacks and every tip you have for me to gain weight. I am open to nonveg.

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