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I'm going to become a monk. I have no idea how to do it but I also have literally no reason to keep living if I don't change anything so I may as well put it all on one card and try to achieve enlightenment
Jai Guru Ji Shukrana
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Favourite part of mahabharat
dvaita vedanta
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How to get into tanric shit?
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God / ASI / Reality
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On Hindu Ecosystem
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how to stop being pessimistic
>how to stop being pessimistic
start just one thing and be consistent at it, don't aim for way higher goals, just one step one line and carry on.
Get up early, go for run, read one shloka of Gita. Read one chapter of a sanskrit book
Do it consistently for 30 days.
well there isn't a magical way to start being optimistic in just few days, probably even you know that too.
Simple would be to start slow, start doing things that you know would guarantee 100% good (something that you perceive good)
and it also depends upon your surrounding if its chaotic then chances are slip but on the other hand if its normal or atleast better or you have the ability to change your surroundings to a better one do it.
What do I mean by surrounding?
-Space around you... Yes
(Keep it Clean and organized, not all perfect but you should where you can find your pens/ stationery or whatever you want)
-Your company (circle)
(Are they optimistic? if yes have a talk with them. Else you can just go for a walk and just try to take it easy, only think about the things that you can control. don't think too ahead of time and don't dwell in past - it's not there anymore and future is yet to come)
-Try to control your life
(Most of the people go with flow, I would discourage it instead take the control back and try to start small)
-A walk might be helpful, sweating after a running session, or playing a sport that is if you enjoy it.
-->The reason being when you are running/ playing your concentration is right there in front of you it's not diverting into other things that are necessary it teaches you to live in the moment
pessimism is good, it keeps us alive. You need to know that despite all those pessimistic thoughts, you have to take a step even tho you aren't sure where it will take you otherwise you won't be able to do a thing. The world is chaotic and random and makes no sense.
>The world is chaotic and random and makes no sense.
yep since we get caught up in all the outside happenings that we are forget about our own inner selves, unable to move on and focus on ourselves to improve further.
This is a vicious cycle, world is chaotic and events for most will be out of control atleast at first seem like nothing can be done until you take your first step then second and then third and eventually when you have taken enough steps you would see the things which once felt impossible are reality. That world we look so bleakly at is merely thanks to inability of ours to take one step.
That change itself will be enough to push you further.
>Your company (circle)
I have no friends. Everyone I meet somehow doesn't even care about me. I'm all alone.
yea yea, fine I will go on that stupid walk. I have to throw away a few packs of cigarette that I used as ashtray.
>surefire way to be unhappy for the rest of your life.
point is to have a healthy routines and sleeping and waking up timely helps a lot in that
start being optimistic